Τετάρτη 22 Μαΐου 2013

Info about Arsis

 ΑRSIS-OFFICE KOZANI is voluntary, non-governmental organization, which since 2007 organizes interventions, services and programs to support young people who are disadvantaged socially, defend human rights and the empowerment of disadvantaged groups..

 Its aim is to bridge the gap in prevention and in addressing the phenomenon of social exclusion, the modern lifestyle has lead, while enhancing the voice and action of active citizenship through the development and promotion of volunteering locally.

 The actions of ARSIS in Kozani, framed today, 100 volunteers, and designed to support:
• Schooling
• the child protection
• women
• immigrants
• victims of abuse and
• those who threaten our citizens or living in conditions of social exclusion and poverty.

Strengthening of schooling
 For children in families living below the poverty line (unemployed, low-paid, single parents, immigrants, etc.)
• Remedial teaching in elementary and secondary school children
• Support the education of children with difficulties in the use of the Greek language
• Learning English to elementary and middle school children
• Learning to use computers
• Creative and expression (theater, construction, etc.)

Support Centre for Abused Women
• Psychosocial support (women abuse, child neglect, etc.)
• Legal advice and support
• Information about employment and training opportunities
• Working with agencies welfare, police and judicial authorities
• Direct intervention in crises (24 hours a day)
• Referral to operators of temporary accommodation (except Kozani)
• Advisory groups of women, parents, teachers, teens

Immigrant Support Centre
• Support in bureaucratic matters such as issuing residence permits etc.
• Psychosocial support
• Legal advice and support

Immigrants School
• Learning Greek language and everyday communication skills development (3 levels)
• Learning English and computers
• Exchange program of cultural elements

Support people with cultural differences (Roma settlement Ptolemais)
• Cater to issues of social welfare and living conditions
• A program of health education, vaccination and medical information
• Educational support and enhance the education of children
• Greek language courses in adult Roma

• Exchange of relief items among people who have "more" to people who do not have "anything" (food, clothing, small appliances, bedding, toys, stationery, etc.)

Football Team "Contra Kozani"
• Immigrants, refugees, ex-prisoners, etc. compose the team to achieve goals to social exclusion (participation in a national and international tournaments homeless)

Actions awareness of the local community
• Information and awareness of the local community: seminars, workshops, articles, etc.
• Function page in www.facebook.com/Arsis.Kozanis, as a social newspaper

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